Mathilde Texier runs a unique venture of independent equine veterinary services based in Newmarket, England. With over 30 years of experience in racehorse medicine and lameness, Mathilde has a particular interest in examining horses prior to purchase. She travels all around the United Kingdom, Europe or anywhere in the world to vet racehorses for racing or breeding and attends all the major international sales. She is also a Hong Kong Jockey Club Nominated Veterinary Surgeon. Equipped with the latest digital imaging technology, Mathilde offers a very personal and flexible high quality service to suit your needs. Please call or e-mail to discuss.

Happy New Year
Best wishes to all our clients for 2025! We wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year, with success on the racecourse and in the sales ring!
The yearling sale season switches to the Southern Hemisphere, and Mathilde will attend all the major sales in Australia and New Zealand in the coming months. The 2025 sales calendar is available by clicking here. Contact Mathilde to discuss your vetting requirements if you are a buyer or your pre-sale veterinary needs if you are a seller.
The 2025 Northern Hemisphere turf flat racing season will resume in the spring, but racehorses are still being purchased privately to race in Hong Kong, Australia, the USA, or to stay in the UK or Europe. Call Mathilde to discuss your vetting requirements and click here for more details.
Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Jockey Club recently updated their January 2024 version of the Veterinary Pre-Import Examination Protocol, which you can view here. The procedure has been enhanced, with extra radiographic views and a video-endoscopic examination amongst changes and additions. There are also new forms for veterinary surgeons and trainers. Mathilde is a Hong Kong Jockey Club Nominated Veterinary Surgeon and can be contacted here if you require further information or copies of documents.
Mathilde was interviewed by the Racing Post to discuss her life during lockdown. Click on each title to read:
Curbs on travel are greatly limiting the scope of my work
Mathilde Texier happy to be dreaming big with Epsom hope Russian Emperor